Free trial optimization

Empowering user choice: driving a 4% revenue increase


Free trial was such a big hit we didn't want to disrupt to much traffic so we tried to implement a change just in the checkout.

The Impact was mixed, it led to an increase in paid orders, but a larger drop in free trial signups. The test failed to increase our conversion rate at checkout (a 3% decline in order + signups)
Exp A did generate an increase in paid orders (+172%) and small bump in revenue (+17%) but, led to a large degree of initial FTS signup cannibalization (difference of -11% or -356 orders) leading to the test initially being closed.


After understanding these positive results, we were able to get backing to see if we could achieve similar success further up the funnel, on the asset detail page.


The winning experience was B, the treatment where we allowed the user to self select between using credits or starting a trail. Not only did we see users purchasing with credits that resulted in instant revenue, we also have a higher retention rate for those users who signed up for the trial. I can't reveal the exact numbers but we did see increases in both order conversion rate (+4.22%) and total 1-year customer lifetime value (+3.96%).